Thursday, September 19, 2013


My next topic to talk about is something that's been on my mind since it's happened. If any of you remember back in July of 2012, it was the major uproar in the Middle East due to the blasphemous nature of an obscure "film" titled Innocence of Muslims. The "film" in question was a simple 14-minute clip posted to YouTube that portrayed one of the holiest figurehead of the Islamic faith, the prophet Muhammad, as "a womanizer, child molester and killer." The widespread protests that exploded soon after resulted in the deaths of numerous people around the world.

Ever since viewing it on YouTube when the controversy first began, I was always trying to figure out how to say my feelings on it. I refrained from talking on Facebook or with anyone about it because of the huge sensitivity towards it at the time. But since it's been over a year and things have significantly died down, it entered into my mind again. I re-watched the clip (which has the YouTube "flagged content" warning before watching it), and still it continues to shock me. There is no overt violence or sexual content in the clip, but it is nonetheless heinous and censor-worthy.

As far as I'm concerned, this film has committed two major crimes: insulting the culture of an entire people and region, and insulting the fine art of film-making.

The fact that the "film-makers" had the gall to call this a "film" is beyond me; this was a defecating stain on the art of making a film, almost blasphemous itself, in that right. I could go into a lengthily list of every single little nit-pick I could find about the reprehensible editing, the feebly-constructed sets, the miscast actors and their horrible performances (although to their credit, we must forgive them for not knowing the true intentions behind what they were doing) and the atrociously-handled audio overdubs; I know the filmmakers were attempting to be subversive with the dialogue, but they didn't even bother to make it convincing? Go back to Propaganda 101, guys! (Complete sarcasm, don't actually do it...)

As far as my review goes in terms of the "film-making" and the story, this "film" is an absolute disaster in every sense of the word. But even that wasn't what shocked me. What shocked me was how the Islamic diaspora in the Middle East reacted to something, that I think, is so trivial it was unnecessary to arouse the reaction that it did. Is it really necessary to kill and vandalize just because they've been offended? However, I understand that in the Islamic religion and culture, blasphemy of the Prophet Muhammad or Allah is akin to the most serious treason imaginable and results in serious consequences (just take a look at the Rushdie Affair and that whole debacle). Also, any sort of depiction of the Prophet Muhammad, whether good or ill, is also strictly forbidden.

To most people on the earth, religion and culture are just as valuable as life itself, and some are willing to die in the name of religion. While such zeal can be admired, too much of it is ridiculous. And frankly, this is what I see amongst the extremist reactions in the Islamic diaspora to anything considered heinous. I believe that in today's modern times, it's important to show serious restraint. For example, I'm a Christian; I believe the Bible is 100% true, I believe God exists and has always existed with no beginning and no end, and that He is my Lord and Savior. It's granted that some people are not going to believe what I believe, or not even like me for what I believe. However, I'm not surprised, the Bible teaches that such reactions will occur. The Bible also instructs Christians to "live like Christ," that includes living out the instructions of Jesus, including peace and brotherhood. I can't tell you how many times I've seen and heard so many things I consider blasphemous to Christianity, Jesus and God the Father. And sure, I'm offended, I don't like it and I don't partake in it. But does that give me the right to smash stuff and take someone's life all because I've been offended? No, that's mob mentality and a ridiculous action; a complete, 180-degree opposite to what the Bible teaches. Yes, it's okay to be offended if someone or something takes a crack at your beliefs or morals, there's no crime against that...but if you (and I use "you" in the general sense) start committing irrational acts because of your offense, that's taking it too far.

Overall, this was a terrible "movie" and in no way, shape or form do I support it or its content. I hope you found my thoughts interesting; please comment if you wish. I only ask that you don't start attacking me or anyone who might say anything with vitriolic comments; if you want to have a discussion, do it in a civil and mature manner, please.

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