Monday, October 21, 2013

More Innocent Lives Taken From Us

Tragedy once again hits America in the form of a school shooting; as if we didn't already have enough of those.

According to an article on, a middle school student opened fire on a tranquil classroom in a school in Sparks, Nevada, hitting two students; one in the shoulder and the other in the abdomen, and killing the math teacher, Afghanistan war veteran Michael Landsberry. As of currently, the police have not determined the motive behind the middle school student's sudden and deadly action; according to Reno police chief Tom Robinson, it is unclear whether it was planned or indiscriminate.

In the wake of the devastating Sandy Hook school shootings that occurred in December of 2012, this recent atrocity adds more grief to a troubled America. Now, the pro-gun control supporters will have another banner to rally under, discussions on whether teachers should arm themselves will be frequent, and the government will decide on legislation to pass in regards to gun control.

First of all, how the child shooter obtained that gun should be scrutinized in the investigation. Obviously, the kid knew where it was and was able to retrieve it. On that inference, it's given that the gun wasn't hidden properly. You know those dangerous products with the "keep out of reach of children" messages on it? Parents can do that for shampoo or a box of matches, but they can't do it for a lethal weapon? Give me a break.

Gun control should not be the issue. As a right outlined in the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution (which many in Congress should really pick up and actually look at, it's a good read), it states that American citizens have the "right to bear arms." Couldn't say that any more clearer than it is. Guns should be used for defense; defense of the family, defense of the home and, most importantly, for defense of this country. Remember the famous adage: "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." 

The gun, an inanimate contraption in and of itself, should not be regulated. People should be regulated. Criminals should be regulated. Run background checks on a customer before they are allowed to purchase a gun. Make sure citizens are properly trained to use guns only in the event that they are threatened with death or gross physical harm. And for the sake of humanity, please make freakin' sure that kids can't get to them!! If that were the case, we would have two healthy, unharmed kids and a beloved teacher and community man would still be alive today to tend to his family.

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